Mishpachat Gesher (Gesher Family) Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is Gesher’s volunteer parent and teacher organization. We provide a forum for parent-staff communication, support for classroom teachers, school-wide activities that enrich the curriculum, and a social focus for the Gesher community. The PTO holds elections for officers each year in the spring. Every family at Gesher is a member of the PTO.
The work of Mishpachat Gesher helps make Gesher a fun and exciting place for our kids! We have programs for every Jewish holiday, helping our children create a strong and vibrant Jewish identity.
PTO volunteers can often be seen serving apples and honey for Rosh HaShana, leading games at our Purim Carnival, dancing at our Yom Ha’Atzamaut celebration, and helping children give tzedakah every Friday. We support our faculty by serving faculty meals during staff work days, organizing Teacher Appreciation Week in May, and coordinating room parents for each grade. And so much more! We would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us at