Welcome Gesher Grandparents! Whether you live near us in Virginia, in another state or across an ocean, you are part of our special Mishpachat Gesher (Gesher Family). We deeply value multigenerational connections and want you to feel a part of our Gesher community regardless of the geographical distance.
Grandparents are a core component of our giving circles that support the future of Gesher JDS. By joining this exclusive group, you will be investing in your grandchild and all of the grandchildren who are the future of our Jewish community.
A special THANK YOU to our incredibly generous Grandparents Circle members!
Interested in joining the Grandparents Circle? Click Here to make a donation in support of Gesher.
Nancy and Ernie Billig
Marilyn Feldman
Judy and Marc Herbert
Ellyn and Bill Hirsch
Marc and Ellen Jacobs
Helen Kanovsky
Anne Weiss
Candace and Kim Kwiatek
Harriet Albersheim
Arnie and Sharon Rosenblatt
Allan and Nancy Sloan
Sam and Leslie Kaplan
Bill and Susan Kristol
Jeff and Lauretta Skigen
Dottie Bennett
Join the Grandparent’s Council today! Connect with other Gesher Grandparents and help us bridge the ties between the younger and older generations in the Gesher community. Help us plan future events, fundraisers and communication pieces. Monthly meetings held via zoom. Questions? Email Shiri Rozenberg at srozenberg@gesher-jds.org.